Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Synchronicity and the Golden Section

[12-27-09 at: 03:39:44p.m. Editing, there are errors on the page.]

The below is subject to later editing, when and if I note any errors.

[11-11-09 at: 11:03p.m. start to write.]

This blog is primarily about "meaningful coincidence", synchronicities, linking events in time/space. [also PSI, paranormal]

For "example", I have an interest in the so-called Roswell flying saucer incident.

I am not a believer in flying saucer/time machines, but of course, yes no and or maybe UFO's are real [as opposed to virtually real] meaning: intelligent somethings operating devices, bio / mechanical and or by other non-human means from "OUT THERE" back to, and or from the future connect to humans, for example by telephone, computer internet etc, in a way that is "meaningful to the individual and or individuals.


The one criteria that must be met in my investigation is that, the events [whats an event?] making up the synchronicitie's WORLDLINE have to be connected by the Golden Section and be as detail specific as possible.


[11-11-09 at: 11:34p.m.]


Jacob Bekenstein was BORN on 05-01-1947.

'Coincidentally' one day later William Moultan Marston DIED on 05-02-1947.

Max Gaines [Maxwell Ginsburg or Maxwell Ginzberg, also known as Maxwell Charles Gaines] teamed up together with William Moulton Marston to create the the pen name Charles Moulton. [This is what I consider to be an example of MACRO-PHASE-ENTANGLEMENT.

Max Gaines died on August 20, 1947.


Lynda Carter played the role of Rita Hayworth in "The Love Goddess," this makes them macro phase entangled.

Lynda Carter played the role of WONDER WOMEN.

Rita Hayworth starred as Terpishore a Muse in "Down To Earth", which opened on August 21, 1947.

'Down to Earth" could be argued as a Universe next door, in regards the multiverse idea in today's cosmology.

Harry Cohn, president of Columbia Pictures, discovered Rita Hayworth, so again that makes them Macro-phase-entangled.

I sent for the document referred to in the URL below: RMOA, it refers to the ROSWELL INCIDENT, and the Bikini Atomic bomb tests during Operation Crossroad's where the GILDA [Gilda movie starrring Rita Hayworth] ABLE Day atomic bomb was tested on July 1, 1946, approximately one year before the so-called Roswell Incident.


Mr. Serkowich, in Hollywood to Nate Spingold in New York, writes that Columbia Picture's which is soon to release their latest picture 'Down To Earth' should take advantage, use as an advertizing gimmick, the 509th's testing of the Atomic bomb at Bikini atoll a year earlier as a: 'humorous disclaimer' that [Rita Hayworth aka Gilda,] Able Day, [the name of the atomic bomb], had nothing to do with the stories in the newspapers and on the radio in regards the flying saucer stories. [That Rita Hayworth as GILDA Able day wasn't the cause of the Roswell flying saucer crash.]

The date of the teletype between Serkowich and Spingold is JULY 9, 1947, this is an obvious reference to the ROSWELL INCIDENT.

RMOA - Document
The studio was run successfully and autocratically by Harry Cohn until his death in 1959. .... Flying Saucers, I Love Trouble, July 1947 ... - Cached

Flying Saucers, I Love Trouble, July 1947 Box 6, Folder 3

Orson Welles Announces Wife's Appearance on Atomic Bomb

[trixcleverspacealien writes: This is the first time I have information stating that Orson Welle's made this announcement, this is news to me! 11-11-09 at: 12:39a.m.c.s.t. The only thing I knew was that Gilda had been stenciled, no picture, on the device, I've seen the stencil, provided by Thomas Lanahan Princeton physicist.]

NEXT: What follows is the Golden Section Worldline that demonstrates the participants and events being connected by the Golden Section over time/space.

[Time and date now: 11-12-09 at: 01:23a.m.c.s.t.]
Simply draw a straight line that is symbolic of the time/space between the date aforementioned.

[1] Jacob Bekenstein BORN: 05-01-1947
[2] 0.618033989, the Golden Section falls on the line at PHI.
[3] Max Gaines dies in a boating accident in Lake Placid 08-20-47.

When using 08-21-09, 112 days divided by 1.618033989=s: 69.21980613 days=s: 07-09.219806729-1947.

It's 111 days between [1] and [3]


[1] Jacob Bekenstein BORN: 05-01-1947

[2] 0.618033989, the Golden Section falls on the line date:

07-08.601772741-1947, rounded off would be 07-09-1947.

This is the date of the so-called SPECIAL FLIGHT.

Where on that date B-29 #301 flies with the Roswell E.T. bodies from the 509th, Roswell to Ft. Worth Texas.

Possible discrepancy in the B-29 stories is that Quigley noticed that the tail number of the B-29 he guarded was #291.

[trixcleverspacealien comment: Two of the men who took care of this B-29 #291were from my hometown, I've talked to both and both have verified that they were in charge of taking care of the #291.]

William Quigley is one and J. B. is the other! [the ones in the know will know who J.B. is ;-)]

William Quigley lived here in 1952 AFTER he left Roswell. [Time now is 11-12-09 at: 01:35:29a.m.c.s.t.]

The #291 nicknamed "Necessary Evil" was replaced by #301 the "Straight Flush", and carried the crate with E.T. on board to Fort Worth Texas. [as described by Slusher and Thompson.]

Roswell UFO Incident


On July 9, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed "flying disc" from a ranch near Roswell, sparking intense media interest. Later the same day, the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force stated that, in fact, a weather balloon had been recovered by the RAAF personnel, rather than a "flying saucer."

[3] Max Gaines died in a boat crash in Lake Placid 08-20-1947.



This time use: 111days from 05-02-1947 to 08-21-47=: 111 days.

=s: 68.60177274 days=s: 07-09.601772741-1947.

USING: 05-02-47 to 08-20-47 =s: 110 days divided by 1.61803398=s: 67.98373875days=s: 07-08.983738752-1947.

[If I knew the clock time Marston died I'd calculate that to the actual time that Max Gaine died, and I'll bet 0.61803398 falls on 07-08-1947 the day that Intelligence officer Jesse Marcel flew with the crew of the B-29, DAVE'S DREAM [Operation Crossroads B-29] to Fort Worth with so-called E.T. bodies debris on board]

[1] William Moultan Marston died on 05-02-01947 one day after Jacob Bekenstein.

[2] 0.618033989 falls on the date: July 8th 1947 and or July-09.601772741-1947.



[Recall coincidence: with Mr. Serkowich, in Hollywood to Nate Spingold in New York, writes that Columbia Picture's which is soon to release their latest picture 'Down To Earth' should take advantage, use as an advertizing gimmick, the 509th's testing of the Atomic bomb at Bikini atoll a year earlier as a: 'humorous disclaimer' that [Rita Hayworth aka Gilda,] Able Day, [the name of the atomic bomb], had nothing to do with the stories in the newspapers and on the radio in regards the flying saucer stories. [That Rita Hayworth as GILDA Able day wasn't the cause of the Roswell flying saucer crash.]


The Roswell UFO Incident was the alleged recovery of extra-terrestrial (alien) debris, including corpses, from an object which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, on or about July 8, 1947.

[3] 'Down to Earth' first date of opening falls on 08-21-1947.

[Recall that the RMOA - Document above

IS DATED: JULY 9th 1947 and has written at the top of it:

HAYWORTH: DOWN TO EARTH, FLYING SAUCER, and is referring specifically to the Flying Saucer stories in the Newspapers an on the radio, this means it's VERY PROBABLY REFERRING TO THE ROSWELL INCIDENT.

My take is that Serkowich a publicity man with Columbia was tasked with coming up with schemes to promote Columbia Pictures and saw an opportunity to hawk Columbia's newest picture Rita Hayworth picture "Down To Earth" by using the Gilda [Rita Hayworth] Operation Crossroads Atomic bomb test as the means to promote it.

[12-27-09 at: 03:47p.m. added:

Question did Harry Cohn, president of Columbia Pictures, know about the Serkowich Spingold conversation?, did Cohn in fact instruct Serkowich to call Spingold to get Spingold's opinion in regards the idea, and who came up with the idea Serkowich or Harry Cohn?

One thing is certain IF Spingold hadn't put the kabosh on the idea, as in NO GO, then prior to the release of Down to Earth [the Universe Next door, i.e, the Many Worlds theory, i.e. Multiverse etc.], and or even on July 9-1947, reported from Paris France, from that time onward the world would associate Rita Hayworth and her [Columbia Pictures] movie GILDA to the Kenneth Arnold Flying Saucer phenomena by way of Colonel Blanchard's article in the July 8-9 1947 Roswell Newspaper that the 509th had become in possession of a flying disc.

Therefore the Rita Hayworth GILDA/ABLE day Atomic bomb would be macro / micro-quantum effects via fissioning, phase entangled with Columbia's Rita Hayworth/ Gilda movie and all the world's people watching the Gilda Movie and listening to the atomic bomb test on the radio.

SEE: etc,

At 14 seconds before 9:00 a.m., a voice came over the radio, "Listen world, this is Crossroads!" Then it happened. [end]

For the record a picture of Hayworth was NOT on the bomb, only GILDA was stenciled on the bomb.

ALSO SEE: Orson Welles:

Orson Welles Announces Wife's Appearance on Atomic Bomb

[12-27-09 at: 04:18p.m.]


[1] - 111 days [3]


[1]William Moultan Marston dies on 05-02-1947.

[2] 0.618033989 July- 08 and or July 09-1947. [Date of the Roswell disc debris and rumored bodies flown from the 509th to Ft. Worth Texas. and date on the Columbia Pictures Serkowich to Spingold teletype suggesting Columbia take advantage of Gilda's being on the bomb to connect it to the 509th's possesion of a "flying disc." added: 12-27-09 at: 04:21:44p.m.c.s.t.]

[3] August 20 and or August 21-1947

August 20, 1947: Max Gaines dies in a Lake Placid boating accident, and on August 21, 1947: Down To Earth", is released in theatres. [edit added: 12-27-09 at: 04:23p.m.]


Do you get the Golden Section synchroncity worldline picture?

I think it's very interesting, and again I'm not saying this proves the Roswell Incident has anything to do with a REAL ACTUAL Crashed flying saucer with E.T's to boot, I'm simply demonstrating an INFORMATIONAL SYNCHRONICITY that connects events [together via the Golden Section added 12-27-09 at: 0425p.m.] that seem to be Macro-phase-entangled.

Of special interest is the IDEA implied: That IF THIS DOES DEMONSTRATE evidence for an "intelligent control" of some kind i.e. quantum communciation, via quantum mind: Continues below at: @@

[ Note that Orch OR involves the fibonacci series, which generates the Golden Section, so this INTELLIGENCE could be connected via the Tubulins in an intelligence to the moment when a non-rotating blackhole begins to rotate, some believe that a blackhole can be configured as quantum computer, so,,,,,perhaps this intelligence connects to the Many Worlds [theory] thru a blackhole / intelligent BRAIN connection, clear as mud ;-), so the connection would be: brain tubulins in an intelligence on board a faster than light flying saucer thru the MOMENT of non-rotating to rotating blackhole of precise mass, to an ADDRESS world in the Many Worlds, of the Many worlds theory, and one of those worlds as of early July 1947 was the Earth ;-) [12-27-09 at: 04:34p.m. another idea is that the E.T's are using the Large Hadron Collider as a communication "signaling device" to make contace with earth ;-) sure they are hahahahahaha!!!, see FLASHFORWARD by Robert S. Sawyer, for a science ficition read on just that possibility, read it carefully. 12-27-09 at: 04:35:32p.m.]

Quantum computation in brain microtubules? The Penrose–Hameroff ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
by S Hameroff - Cited by 109 - Related articles - All 9 versions
In the Orch OR proposal, reduction of microtubule quan- ...... ing the Fibonacci series) may also facilitate quantum error correction. However, ... ]


that , in my mind at least, makes Jacob Bekenstein's birthday just one day before William Moultan Marston's death of the essense as I think that any E.T. and or Artifical Intelligence working with Retro-causal causality back from the future, would chose to CRASH BETWEEN THOSE DATES MENTIONED, to show perhaps a kind of evidence for a Post quantum physics demonstrating Reincarnation as an analog to a wormhole physics connecting our universe to the universe next door.

So perhaps it is illustrative that the Roswell Incident was, an "intelligence" from the universe next door, communicating it's existence through a "meaningful coincidence", would anyone else think so?

Recall Carl Jung the father of synchroncitiy wrote: Flying Saucers:

1958 interview with Dr. Jung on UFOs

Below is an excerpt from an interview that Jung gave to the NEW YORK HERALD- TRIBUNE which was published in its issue for July 30, 1958. It was an A.P. (Associated Press) report from Alamogordo, New Mexico, dated July 29…

Dr. Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist, says in a report released yesterday that unidentified flying objects are real, and show signs of intelligent guidance by quasi-human pilots. "I can only say for certain that these things are not a mere rumor. Something has been seen. A purely psychological explanation is ruled out". Dr. Jung, who had started his research on UFOs in 1944, issued his statement through the UFO-Filter Centre of the Aerial Phenomena Research Association (A.P.R.O.) here. He said:

"I have gathered a mass of observations of unidentified flying objects since 1944. The disks do not behave in accordance with physical laws, but as though without weight. If the extraterrestrial origin of these phenomena should be confirmed, this would prove the existence of an intelligent interplanetary relationship. What such a fact might mean for humanity cannot be predicted. But it would put us without doubt in the extremely precarious position of similar primitive communities in conflict with superior cultures."

"That the construction of these machines proves a scientific technique immensely superior to ours cannot be disputed. The United States Air Force has said that investigations of flying saucer reports over the last ten years have produced no evidence that such things exist. It said last November that investigations of 5,700 reported sightings showed that the mysterious objects were balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, birds, fireworks, or hoaxes - among other things".

From the NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, July 30, 1958. (Associated Press report from Alamogordo, N.M., July 29.)


Yes no and or maybe?

The above is subject to correction.

[Date and time: 11-12-09 at: 02:57a.m.c.s.t.]

[Date and time editing completed: deleted link to SSS 04:37:54p.m. 12-27-09]



[12-27-09 at: 04:44p.m.c.s.t.]


SEE: "Einsteins Gypsy Rebels"

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